Quick Tips With Server Technology

Data center infrastructure provider ServerTech partnered with us to launch a series of video tips regarding high-density colocation, power requirements, and in-cabinet PDU considerations. We hope you will find these tips informative and helpful, and they are especially relevant for anyone deploying HPC or AI servers.


Part 1: Introduction – Density is pushing for the redefinition of high-performance computing. Are you ready?

Server Technology’s Marc Cram and Colovore’s Peter Harrison dive into the progression of high-performance computing and artificial intelligence applications driving up data center density.


Part 2: Power requirements are escalating with the increased demand from AI and big data applications. Learn how Colovore used the HDOT Cx PDU to future ready their high density Colo facility.

Server Technology’s Marc Cram and Colovore’s Peter Harrison outline what features are key when selecting a data center PDU that can offer the ultimate in flexibility, scalability and efficiency.


Part 3: Flexibility is key for data centers to be able to adapt to constantly changing equipment requirements.

Marc Cram and Peter Harrison discuss the challenges facing data center managers when selecting the right PDU outlet configurations and how HDOT Cx provides the flexibility to meet both today’s needs and future changing requirements.


Part 4: It’s getting hot in here: A PDU that can work at full load operating to the extreme of its temperature range is a must in high-density environments.

Marc Cram and Peter Harrison review the importance of selecting a rack PDU that is capable of handling unpredictable customer loads and operating in a temperature environment up to 60℃.


Part 5: Is it all just hot air? As power consumption continues to increase good airflow management is key.

Marc Cram and Peter Harrison discuss best practices for good airflow management and optimizing legacy applications, with the new normal being airflow from the front of the rack to the back.